Monday, July 14, 2014

Trailer Modification and Flooring

It's been a busy few weeks, but I finally got started on the trailer modifications.  First off, I wanted to remove anything I didn't need.  I started with the 2x8 deck boards.  I was initially just going to build directly on these, but it would be a lot of unnecessary weight.  I had to cut of a 1/4" piece of steel strapping trim from the front.  Quick work with a grinder (Bosch 1380) and cutoff wheel.

 Then it was just a matter of unscrewing all the boards and slipping them out of the rear groove.  These things were a big chunk of the total trailer weight!

Next on the chopping block:  the front bracket.  Totally unneeded dead weight, and it would just be in the way.

I'll also be moving the tail lights, and removing the rear bar that supports the car ramps.  For now I'm leaving the ramp holders underneath - I have an idea for a roll out porch.  Finally I've started putting stuff onto the trailer!  Sheathing sealed with elastomeric paint will provide bottom protection from moisture and road debris.  I'll also be adding steel angle to the sides (outside the existing frame) to carry the walls and save some interior space.

Free time is seriously lacking, but hopefully I can make some real progress soon!

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